All Souls Memorial
June 7 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
The Byzantine Tradition of remembering our deceased loved ones by name is a hallowed practice. There are numerous passages in Scripture which direct us to pray for our dead. Only God knows the condition of any soul, but praying for the dead out of love is an action of mercy which Our Lord hears and desires. Of course, we can pray for our loved ones at home, but the act of doing it in community, together, is an Act of the Church. It edifies us and brings us closer to God as a parish family. Do plan to make at least one of these Saturdays.
If you would like us to pray for any of your family or friends by name, please put their names on a list and give it to Dcn. Tim or Fr. David. It is also customary to provide a monetary gift along with your names. Fr. David has asked that all these donations go toward building up a part of the budget for a future clergy fund.