"Come and See..."
We are Saint Andrew the Apostle Ukrainian Catholic Church mission in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We are the ONLY Eastern Catholic Community in Fort Wayne.
We ARE authentically Catholic, meaning we are in full Communion with the Pope and Church of Rome, integral to the 24 historic sister Catholic Churches worldwide. Our worship and prayers are in complete harmony with Roman Catholic doctrine and canonical prayers, and yet uniquely Eastern, reaching back to Christ’s Apostles.
We sing almost everything in poetic yet comprehensible English, using the first instruments God gave to us – our own voices, with no others overpowering clear words of faith in praise to God (but for bells at special times). We are the only parish in Fort Wayne where you will hear and sing beautiful Ukrainian chant and folk song in English, as well as from other ethnic traditions, in harmony with contemporary compositions.
What you will hear with your ears and sing with your mouths you will also see with your eyes in iconography, symbols, and vestments; smell in sweet incense; touch and hopefully come to taste on your tongues, as Christ’s ministers literally spoon feed us His Holy Communion.
What could be easier? And yet what more challenging than such a call to complete body-soul union with Christ?
We join our worship with fellowship, food, conversation and feasting in Christ – no bare walls or sterile, stuck in our heads classroom settings with us. Our worship, just like our history, is here and now and yet transcendent.
But the most important thing you will receive at St. Andrew’s is the Truth – Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity – His true presence in an authentic yet intelligible, contemporary Eastern Spiritual Context.

"We knew not whether we were in heaven or on earth!"
So rejoiced ambassadors of pre-Christian Ukraine seeing the worship of Christ in Constantinople – old Byzantium; where St. Andrew the Apostle first planted the faith ages before, and bravely offered his life for them in Christ.
Such bold joy in the worship of Jesus is ours to this very day at St. Andrew the Apostle Ukrainian Catholic Church. We invite you to come and experience “heaven on earth” with us – come “taste and see how good the Lord is!” (Psalm 34:8)
As Christ first called Andrew to be His Apostle, and then Andrew called his brother Peter to Jesus (John 1:35-42) – come and see!
…where God our Father is worshipped in the fullness of His Spirit and Truth (John 4:22-24) – come and see!
… where Jesus, His Anointed Word of Truth IS Present, Proclaimed in the flesh, and praised – come and see!
…where His Life-giving Spirit draws us to holy, heavenly life through all our senses and songs – come and see!
Come and see, and worship God like you have never worshipped Him before!
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Bishop Luers HS
333 E Paulding Rd
Fort Wayne, IN 46806