Divine Liturgy – Nativity Eve
Bishop Luers High SchoolWith Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. With Lessons and Carols from the Royal Hours.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. With Lessons and Carols from the Royal Hours.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. Christmas Octave.
With Dcn. Tim Woods, celebrant.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. We will baptize baby Ezekiel & Chrismate Aralyn, with a parish potluck to follow.
With Dcn. Tim Woods, celebrant.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. Pre-Lenten Zacchaeus Sunday. Parish meeting to follow.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. The 30th is the Day.
With Dcn. Tim Woods, celebrant. Presentation of Infant Jesus in the Temple.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. Pre-Lenten Parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector.
With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. Pre-Lenten Parable of the Prodigal and the Father's Love.