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Events for February 23 - January 26

Divine Liturgy

Bishop Luers High School

With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. 2nd Sunday of Great Lent. 

Parish Meeting

Bishop Luers High School

Presanctified Liturgy

Bishop Luers High School

With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant.


Bishop Luers High School

With Dcn. Tim Woods, celebrant. 3rd Sunday of Great Lent.

Marriage Morning of Reflection

Bishop Luers High School

Come to a morning of reflection on Marriage with speaker Fr. David Meinzen, hosted by St. Andrew's Byzantine Catholic Church. It will take place on Saturday, March 9th, 8:30am to…

Divine Liturgy

Bishop Luers High School

With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. 4th Sunday of Great Lent.


Bishop Luers High School

With Dcn. Timothy Woods, celebrant. 5th Sunday of Great Lent.

Presanctified Liturgy

Bishop Luers High School

With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant.

Annunciation Liturgy

Bishop Luers High School

With Fr. David Meinzen, celebrant. Holy Monday. Our Lord takes flesh in Mary's womb! 9 months to Nativity.     

Bridegroom Service

Bishop Luers High School

With Deacon Tim Woods, celebrant. Holy Wednesday.